
Delivery time und tracking

Solarfox offers short delivery times!

The delivery time for Solarfox displays is usually only 3-7 days. Detailed information on delivery times can be found in the Solarfox delivery time table.

Displays up to a size of 43" can be shipped very quickly with a parcel service. Displays from a size of 46" are shipped by a forwarding agent.

Below you will find an overview of the current delivery times and availability of the individual Solarfox models:

Solarfox® SF-100 (Indoor)

Display model (size)
standard delivery time
Solarfox® SF-100 24" (61 cm) Out of Stock not available
Solarfox® SF-100 32" (81 cm) approx. 5-10 days  

Solarfox® SF-300 (Indoor professional)

Display model (size)
standard delivery time
Solarfox® SF-300 24" (61 cm) approx. 5-10 days              
Solarfox® SF-300 32" (81 cm) approx. 5-10 days  
Solarfox® SF-300 43" (109 cm) approx. 5-10 days  
Solarfox® SF-300 50" (127 cm) approx. 5-10 days  
Solarfox® SF-300 55" (140 cm) approx. 5-10 days  
Solarfox® SF-300 65" (165 cm) approx. 5-10 days  
Solarfox® SF-300 75" (190 cm) upon request  

Solarfox® SF-600 (Outdoor)

Display model (size)
Standard delivery time
Solarfox® SF-600 46" (117 cm) approx. 2-10 weeks Please contact us for the exact delivery time! 
Solarfox® SF-600 55" (140 cm) approx. 2-8 weeks Please contact us for the exact delivery time! 

Due to the restricted access to the Suez Canal, there may be supply bottlenecks for this model series (SF-600) at times.
These devices are only available from stock to a limited extent and a certain delivery time is to be expected in Q2/Q3/2024.

Last update: 06/2024


 Information for transport damage:

Quick Installation

While shipping, you may prepare to set up your display. Immediately after shipping you will receive the serial number via email. This enables you to register and preconfigure your Solarfox online account. Your Solarfox display can then quickly be automatically taken into operation with our new Easy Setup.

Track and Trace

Once a shipment leaves our warehouse, you will receive a tracking ID via email. With this, you can permanently track your goods.

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For live-tracking please scroll down. 



For tracking please scroll down. 


Track and trace - freight shipment

European Freight shipments on pallets are handled by DACHSER.
For tracking please enter your order confirmation number or number of delivery note. 

Track and trace - parcel shipment

Individual parcels are inherently sent with our partner DPD in over 230 countries.
We thus offer short delivery times and a modern live tracking of your shipment with an innovative predict function.

On delivery DPD lists a one-hour time window in which your package will be delivered.
Shortly before service, you will be notified to a 30 minutes precision, when your DPD shipment will be delivered.