E3/DC Monitoring

Solarfox® Solar Display &

E3/DC Solar Monitoring and storage

Solar display for E3/DC storage system

With the E3/DC web portal, owners of photovoltaic and solar storage systems can monitor their power generation and system status. Solarfox displays can retrieve and visualise the data from the E3/DC portal. The memory data can also be visualised. In this way, in addition to the solar yield, further data on energy self-sufficiency or the state of charge can also be displayed.  

For the use of a Solarfox® display to visualise the energy data, only an Internet connection is required on site. The system is thus compatible with any photovoltaic system with E3/DC inverters, the only requirement being an Internet connection via LAN or WLAN. This has the advantage that you do not need any direct cabling between the E3/DC monitoring and the Solarfox display. This gives you maximum flexibility to select any location for the solar display installation.

Display options of the solar display

  • General information about the photovoltaic system
  • Current plant output (plant capacity utilisation)
  • Visualisation of the power yield
    (daily, monthly, annual, and total yield)
  • Power consumption / internal consumption (optional)
  • CO2 avoidance
  • Weather forecast
  • Sunrise and sunset
  • Own information or advertising content (texts and images)
  • Dashboard - All information at a glance
  • Optional: visitor welcome, videos, PDF files, etc.


Solar Monitoring


HagerEnergy GmbH

Ursula-Flick-Straße 8
49076 Osnabrück


Tel.: +49 (0) 541 760 268 0
Fax: +49 (0) 541 760 268 199

Solar display - Solar dashboard from Solarfox
The ideal combination: E3/DC and Solarfox solar display

Communication between E3/DC and Solarfox display

  1. The photovoltaic system generates direct current.
  2. The E3/DC inverter converts solar energy into alternating current.
  3. The yielded information is transferred from the E3/DC inverters or the memory directly via the Internet to the E3/DC monitoring portal.
  4. After a Solarfox online account has been created, the Solarfox® web server accesses the data in the E3/DC Monitoring Portal and generates a slideshow which you can configure individually via web browser.
  5. The Solarfox® display accesses the data of the Solarfox web server via the Internet and displays the data in a slideshow as a visually appealing way. To do this, the display only needs to retrieve data via the Internet through port 80.


E3/DC solar monitoring and combination with other systems

The Solarfox system is not only compatible with E3/DC, but also with numerous other solar monitoring systems and can visualise several systems from different manufacturers.

Solarfox Ticket