The basic package of a Solarfox® display includes all the following slide modules. These are individual views which can be individually configured and multiplied within a slideshow.
Slidemodul 1: Total power yield
Solar electric produced so far (animated meter)
Slidemodul 2: Classic slide
Three individually selectable columns can be displayed here
Slidemodul 3: Current plant output
Shows the current electricity production or the capacity utilization of the photovoltaic system in percent.
Slidemodul 4: Daily view of power yield or power consumption
Shows a daily view of the power yield and optionally the power consumption of the building.
Slidemodul 5: Monthly view of electricity yield or power consumption
Shows a monthly view of the electricity yield and optionally the electricity consumption of the building.
Slidemodul 6: Annual view of electricity yield or power consumption
Shows a yearly view of the electricity yield and optionally the electricity consumption of the building.
Slidemodul 7: CO2-avoidance 1
Comparison of CO2 amount with oil, gas, and coal
Slidemodul 8: CO2-avoidance 2
Comparison of CO2 amount with distance travelled by car
Slidemodul 9: CO2-avoidance 3
Comparison of CO2 amount with an around the world trip by car
Slidemodul 10: CO2-avoidance 4
Comparison of the CO2 amount with the required reforestation of trees
Slidemodul 11: Foxdesigner light
Adding individual texts and pictures
Slidemodul 12: Weather forecast
Current weather data and 3-day-forecast
Slidemodul 13: Logo
Optionally a logo can be inserted on all slides
Slidemodul 14: Picture
Adding of individual pictures and subtitles
Slidemodul 15: Ecopower1
Number of 3-person-households supplied with ecopower
Slidemodul 16: Ecopower2
Number of electrical equipment that can be operated with ecopower
Slidemodul 18: Sun's position
Visualisation of sunrise and sunset
Slidemodul 19: RSS-Feed
Automatic display of news via RSS-Feed
Slidemodul 20: Dashboard
All Information and performance data at a glance (tile layout)
Slidemodul 21: Infobox
Every display contains an individual infoxbox with important data
Slidemodul 22: Clock
Displaying current time as Chronograph or digital watch
Slidemodul 23: Bundesliga match day
Shows results of the current Bundesliga matchdays.
Slidemodul 24: Solarfox® Bonus Package
Advertising slide for Solarfox® - three premium modules are available for blending in
Legend: Included as standard with the purchase of the display package Optional available in the webshop (
Solarfox® Additional Modules
The following slider modules can be added at any time (also retrospectively) for a small surcharge.